Frederickson Prize 2022

Category : ISZB | Prize Posted on 2022-03-11 18:38:12
Frederickson Prize 2022

Dear ISZB members,

On behalf of the 2022 ISZB-Award/Frederickson Prize committee, I am delighted to announce that the prize will be awarded to Dr. Kathryn Taylor (Cardiff University, UK) for her pioneering studies of Slc39a/ZIP transporters in cell biology and cancer, together with her long-termed contributions on the administration of ISZB. Kathy has played a number of important roles including an elected board member of ISZB and the 5th President of the Society. She has also been instrumental in the enlightenment of zinc biology for local areas through her involvement with Zinc-UK. Furthermore, her educational and outreaching efforts to engage young zinc scientists should be recognized.

Based on these reasons, Kathy was voted by the committee to be the 2022 recipient of the ISZB-Award/Frederickson Prize. We believe that Kathy is well deserving of this honor for her achievements, efforts, and contributions to zinc biological science.

Kathy will be awarded the prize at the 2022 ICTEM meeting in Aachen Germany, so please send your congratulations to Kathy at this moment, and let’s share this great happiness with her.

Huge congratulations to Kathy!

Best regards,

Toshi Fukada


Chair of the ISZB-Award/Frederickson Prize 2022 committee