Mass Spectrometry Analyst, London Metallomics Facility

Category : Jobs | none Posted on 2019-01-15 14:26:20
Mass Spectrometry Analyst, London Metallomics Facility

Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to announce that the London Metallomics Facility located at King’s College London is looking to hire a technician to support the development of this unique facility, with a focus on correlative bioimaging method development and providing top notch analytical service and user support to our research scientists within Kings College London as well as external universities and organisations. Details of the post can be found here —>

This is an exciting opportunity so please feel free to spread the word to anyone or any outlets you think might be suitable!

Many thanks!


Dr. Theodora J. Stewart
London Metallomics Facility
Mass Spectrometry
King’s College London
Franklin-Wilkins Building
150 Stamford St
London SE1 9NH